Mortgage Process
The mortgage process is complex, but it can be broken down into the following steps: pre-approval, inspection, appraisal, and closing. Before searching for a home, it is advisable to get pre-approved for a mortgage so you know exactly what you can afford.

Before searching for a home, it is advisable to get pre-approved for a mortgage so you know exactly what you can afford. Read More >

The Importance of a Pre-Approval Letter in the Home-Buying Process
A crucial document that may significantly influence the home-buying process is a pre-approval letter. It is a statement from a lender confirming...
Maximizing Your Chances of Loan Approval: Strategies for Submitting a Mortgage Loan Application
An essential step in acquiring a mortgage loan is submitting a loan application. Getting a loan...
Finding the Right Mortgage Lender: A Guide to Researching, Comparing, and Securing the Best Loan for You
For anybody wanting to buy a new house or refinance their current mortgage, mortgage shopping is...
Gather Financial Information: A Key Step in the Home-Buying Process
The first thing you should do if you're thinking about purchasing a house is to gather financial...
What Is the Difference Between Pre-approval and Pre-qualified? Which One Should You Get?
Getting a pre-approval will allow your lender to dig deeper into your finances to verify your...
A surveyor conducts a Mortgage Loan Inspection (MLI), to evaluate the property's boundaries and compare them to the legal description included in the property deed. Read More >

What Does a Home Inspection Report Include?
Before purchasing a property, you should order a home inspection. The home inspection report will include: Interior of the home The exterior of the...
What You Should Look For During a Home Inspection: How to Identify Deal Breakers?
No home is perfect and it’s common for some issues to be identified with a home inspection. How...
What Do Home Inspectors Look For?
How Does a Home Inspection Work? The last line of defense that a potential buyer has is a home...
Should I Back Out if the Home Inspection Comes Back Bad?
A bad home inspection does not mean you should immediately back out of buying the house: You...
Creating a value for real property based on professional opinion is known as a a real estate appraisal which is necessary to secure a mortgage. Read More >

Appraisal Repair Requirements for FHA, VA, and USDA Home Loans
FHA, USDA, and VA Appraisal Rules Government-backed loans like FHA, VA, and USDA will likely require an appraisal and possible repairs before your...
How an FHA Appraisal Works
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has set minimum property standards that FHA...
Should You Skip the Home Appraisal?
Believe It or Not, Home Appraisals Are Not Always Required. Home appraisals are important for...
What Happens When Your Home Is Appraised Below the Purchase Price?
When Your Property Is Appraised Too Low No matter your situation- selling, refinancing, or buying-...
What Is a Home Appraisal? Here Is the Home Appraisal Process and Cost
Home Appraisals Are Not Only Important, They Are Also Required A home appraisal will determine the...
The closing represents the conclusion of a real estate deal. It is the final stage in the property purchase and financing process. On the day of closing, the seller transfers ownership of the property to the buyer. Read More >

The Importance of a Pre-Approval Letter in the Home-Buying Process
A crucial document that may significantly influence the home-buying process is a pre-approval letter. It is a statement from a lender confirming...
Home Closing: What Paperwork You Must Read
During the closing of your home, you will accumulate a mound of documents. It’s a good thing most...
Home Closing: Avoid Failing at the End
Getting mortgage approval is not the end of your journey when buying a house. These are all things...
How to Prepare for Your Real Estate Closing
When you have a real estate closing, what happens is the legal ownership of a house is transferred...
What Is Cash to Close: How to Pay It and Avoid Fraud?
Exactly What Amount Do You Need to Bring to Close On Your New Home? Cash to close is an expression...
Rates are always changing,
is now the best time for you?
We’ll help you understand your options so you can feel confident in your decision. Mortgage Daily is a trusted resource, used by millions of Americans daily, to help navigate the complicated world of mortgages, refinances, and the home buying and selling process. Let’s start here.

Refinance Your Home. When Is The Best Time?
Evaluate your financial situation and determine if a refinance could help you save. Consider lower interest rate, shorter loan term, access equity, long-term savings, and costs/fees. The best time is when it makes sense for your goals.

Purchase a Home. Take it 1 step at a time.
Evaluate your needs and finances to make sure you’re ready. Consider down payment, loan terms, monthly payments, closing costs, and other factors. You’re ready when you can afford it and it makes sense for your goals.

Selling Your Home. It’s Not Hard, Let’s Break It Down
Ready to sell? Evaluate the market and make sure you’re ready. Consider home improvements, pricing, taxes, closing costs, and other factors. You’re ready when you can maximize your return and it makes sense for your goals.