As quarterly mortgage production moved higher at Homebridge Financial Services Inc., so did the company’s servicing portfolio. Headcount, however, was diminished.
As of mid-year 2018, the Iseline, New Jersey-based organization serviced 100,500 residential loans with a collective unpaid principal balance of $23.272 billion.
Homebridge disclosed the details, along with additional operational metrics, as part of the Mortgage Daily Second Quarter 2018 Mortgage Origination Survey.
The servicing portfolio increased from three months earlier, when it stood at 96,865 loans for $22.288 billion.
During the three months ended June 30, there were 11,103 home loans originated for $3.160 billion. The total included $2.040 billion in retail business and $1.119 billion in wholesale lending.
Mortgage production climbed from 9,668 loans for $2.713 billion in the first quarter.
So far this year, Homebridge has originated 20,771 loans for $5.872 billion.
The first half ended with 2,307 people on the lender’s payroll. Staffing was down from 2,400 employees as of March 31.