Right Said Fred
Freddie announces monthly summary November 20, 2002 By MortgageDaily.com staff |
Freddie Mac announced a significant increase in new business purchases during the month of October.
The government sponsored housing enterprise reported $73.6 billion in purchases, more than doubling its total from the same time last year. In September, Freddie reported almost $58 billion in business purchases. Freddie also reported $476.8 billion in year-to-date purchases. The total mortgage portfolio outstanding as of October 31 was almost $1.3 trillion, barely changed from September. Freddie reported a retained portfolio of $536.4 billion. The retained portion of Freddie’s portfolio had almost $5.7 billion in net additions. Mortgage participation certificates totaled $60.5 billion during the month. Freddie said its duration gap was negative one month in October, the same as September. |